Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I can't call in sick tomorrow...so.....

So within my small cubicle I have a number of pictures/posters. Various little things to brighten my day. Lets see, pics of family and friends, my Europe calendar (reminding me that soon I will be on my long awaited trip...), the quintessential "SpartyOn" sticker as well as of course my Red Wings flag!!

Now living in Arizona, there are many people here from all over the country. This has brought in a diverse set of NHL fans. Yes there are some fans out here in the desert!!! As Ozzy so eloquently mentioned earlier this season, the Wings are hated like the Yankees are hated. People seem to dislike winners. Go figure? So as a result of this overall Wings malice, I take a great deal of shit for my love of the winged wheel. But I usually do so proudly, with a smart ass smirk on my face reviling in the fact that they won the cup and are the standard of all sports franchises. Well lately, they are making that smirk a bit more difficult to maintain.

As a proud fan, I went to both games the Wings played in Phoenix. I had amazing seats three rows from the glass directly behind the Wings net. I proudly wore my 'Feed the Mule' t-shirt and avoided a very scary Phoenix fan in the bathroom who took exception to it...yes I am chicken shit...but after the Wings performances in Phoenix, my fellow co-workers had a bit more ammo to come at me with. First there was the overtime victory we had in the first match up at Jobing.com arena, a rather pitiful display, but at least we won...but then there was that loss, you know the frightening game where Stuart went head first into the boards.... And now with the Nashville and Columbus games, I feel as though those around me are becoming more and more bold with their attacks against Detroit. I'm waiting to find a rubber octopus on my desk with a 'witty' note attached....So come on boys, shake off another pitiful game, or at the very least take out your frustration on Phoenix. I would really like to bring my smirk back...I have been practicing in the bathroom mirror....

More game day updates to follow...

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